Kitaab Academy — Qur'anic Arabic Series

Level 4: Advanced Arabic Grammar II

Elevate your Arabic by increasing vocabulary and learning new verb forms
Summer 2024 Dates: July 29 to October 3
Course Objectives
Course Guidelines
Course Materials
Completion of Level 3 or equivalent course material
  • Understanding the Mansubaat roles: Object, Verb Modifier, Object of Reason, Time or Place Indicator, Circumstantial Qualifier, Clarification, Vocative, Exemption, Ism of La
  • Mastering ability to grammatically parse Arabic sentences
  • Increasing working vocabulary to 1500-2000 words
  • Word-for-word analysis of the second half of Surah Yusuf
  • Each class will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. They will be held on Zoom, and students will be required to keep cameras on during the class.
  • Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis. The total time required for assignments will be a maximum of two hours for the entire week to accommodate busy schedules.
  • Canvas will be used for submissions and grades.
A maximum of three absences are allowed during this course.
  • Qasid's Grammar Book
  • Surah Yusuf
  • All materials will be provided via Canvas


Basil Farooq

Arabic Instructor
Basil grew up in the UAE and the Bay Area. He completed his memorization of the Quran at the age of 14. Later, he completed his study of the ten canonical qirā’āt of the Quran and received authorization (ijāza) to transmit and teach them at Recite with Love. He completed BAs in Economics and Applied Mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2019 and works full-time as an economist in the antitrust litigation industry. He has been pursuing higher Islamic education for over 5 years and is currently a ‘Alimiyyah student at Qalam Institute in Dallas. He has studied Tafsīr, Hadith, Fiqh (Shāfi’ī and Hanafī), Usul al-Fiqh, ‘Aqīda, Tajwīd, ‘Ulum al-Qur’an and Arabic Literature. He is also currently involved in conducting research and writing on various topics within Quranic Studies and Tafsīr under the guidance of his teachers. He most recently published a short book titled “Within its Depths: How the Canonical Recitations Affect the Meaning of the Qur’an”
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